Chairman’s Welcome

Welcome to our website.

I’m a fan of Chief UK Scout and TV personality Bear Grylls. I share this passion with my kids and love the way he engages with a global audience and promotes the leadership values associated with Scouting.

One of our goals as a management committee is to engage more with our stakeholders such as parents, grandparents and the wider the community.

The new website and this newsletter is an ideal way to share the vision, mission and values of 1st Subiaco.

We have a long and proud tradition and want to build on the past to create an even better future.

We have seen many successes including record new leader applications, long waiting lists for cubs and scouts and a core group committed to establishing a Rover Crew of 18 to 26 years olds.

Much of this success has been driven by our strategic plan and the great group of people on the management committee.

Our vision for 1st Subiaco is “Fun, challenging and values based activities that develop leaders of the future”.

The 1st Subiaco Scout Group exists to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Promise and Law.

Our values of Honesty, Courage, Compassion, Respect and Loyalty provide the moral compass to achieve our vision and mission.

In the short term some of the objectives we want to achieve are:

  • More parental involvement to take pressure off leaders
  • Larger jobs broken up into smaller tasks
  • High quality programs
  • Sufficient equipment
  • Sufficient storage
  • Steady feed of numbers
  • Capped numbers
  • High retention rates

My thanks to all those who have volunteered to help us achieve these goals and I look forward to taking a leaf out of Bears’ book and engaging with our community in a fun and engaging way.

Enjoy the website.
Best wishes


Thomas Murrell
Chairman 1st Subiaco

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